Shortlisted for 2025 Imison Award:
BBC R4 Drama of the Week
A blind marathon runner and her guide start training for the Paralympics. New drama from award-winning Isley Lynn, spanning ten years and many, many miles.
The judges said: ’It was a confident piece of writing and brilliant setting for an audio drama. It was also a wonderful way to play with the act of listening and how we form images in our minds. It had excellent, sharp dialogue and we enjoyed the slow unfurling of two beautifully defensive, spiky characters. There was a lovely blend of humour and awkwardness and the interruptions in the dialogue, which added to the sense of movement and direction. It was a great use of the medium and the short sentences added to the rhythm of the piece, the way it was structured and the way it moved. Overall, it was a lovely piece of radio and a confident piece of writing.’
A joy to experience - Lewis Porteous
The Stage
Taut, nuanced piece exploring trust, ambition and the relationship between a runner and her guide ... Lynn’s play is one of clarity and focus. ... it’s refreshing to see a piece which is very much about trust and the nuances of friendship between a man and a woman – Natasha Tripney
Featured - Natasha Tripney: We still need more ‘Willy Loman’ roles for women
Exeunt Magazine
“Cutting edge new writing”
The overriding sensation of watching Tether is one of physical tension – the lactic tug of tired limbs, of plastic cutting into wrists, of breath and choppy momentum, of every security in the next step being an illusion, but surging forward, urgent, regardless.
- David Ralf
The Play's The Thing UK
Playwright Isley Lynn’s script is some of the best new writing I’ve seen in a long time. The characters are intricately detailed and exquisitely sculpted with enough contrasting goals to create natural dramatic conflict without excess ... This is an unmissable new play from a Royal Court graduate that offers insight into a world rarely considered before the London Paralympics 2012. It is a great step towards increasing the visibility of disabled performers and deserves further attention beyond Edinburgh Fringe.
- Laura Kressly
Edinburgh Festivals Magazine
Full of joy, with a witty and invigorating script, Tether is an uplifting tale that will have you looking for your running shoes as soon as you leave the theatre. A feel-good play that will certainly brighten your day. – Mariana Mercado
Ed Fringe Review
Understated but powerful, Tether, a new piece of writing by Isley Lynn, is a fresh and compelling exploration of ambition, dependence and trust. … its power quietly sinks in in the show’s aftermath, long after the pair have run their final race. Lynn’s lightness of touch belies the skilfulness of her writing in dealing so succinctly and movingly with serious themes without resorting to sentimentality – Stasia Carver
Pocket Size Theatre
Writer Isley Lynn has clearly done extensive research into the sport and has dug deep into the world of Paralympic athletes and in doing so, has created an authentic and honest script. - Andy Edmeads
Broadway Baby
Whilst Isley Lynn's Tether fuels excitement for next summer, her script refreshingly brings with it an emphasis on the personal side to our hopefuls for the Games in 2016 ... This inspirational story reminds us of the extraordinary efforts disabled athletes go through. - Dan Parker
A welcome addition to the sports drama genre that’s surprisingly unsentimental. … The ending is pleasantly realistic with no overly dramatic, drawn out battle to the finish line. Tether is about learning to accept that you’ll never fulfil your biggest ambitions no matter how hard you try as much as it is about persevering and staying determined. It’s a refreshing message in a genre that often suggests that self-belief is the answer to everything and will always guarantee success. - Amy Wong
★Recommended Show★
Fringe Review
A compelling and fast paced script ... illuminates a world few of will have experience of [sic] through an intensely intimate and personal story. - Kate Saffin
The Scotsman
Compelling … This is a play which speaks of emotional truth and of well-researched insight into a unique experience
- David Pollock
The List
In Hollywood's hands Tether could so easily be an over-sentimental tale of self-sacrifice, but Isley Lynn's script focusses instead on the raw ambition of competitive athletes. - Rowena McIntosh
Edinburgh News
There aren't many Fringe shows willing to tackle disability. It's even rarer they are willing to put it in such a positive, non-patronising light. - Barry Gordon
Photos by Richard Lakos
'Tether' a great start to Edinburgh 2015 for me. Fast paced, humorous and extremely moving. - @giannitots
Simply brilliant. - @RachaelEBlack
Absolutely stunning. A must see! - @burnbrightplay
Tether is the most exciting thing I've seen at #edfringe so far. - @shakespeareanLK
Captivating - @EmmaTompkins
Fab stuff - @Ella_Road
A brilliant piece impeccably staged. A lot of love for new stories, bold visions & playing with form #newwriting - @FineMessTheatre
Funny and touching story - a fringe highlight - @TheOneTrueRoffy
Beautifully performed, visually compelling, urge all to see! - @DonaldsonElla
Real and gritty. Profound and moving with excellent acting. A must see. - @unofficailRevs
Simply staged, good story, well acted = win! - @shadowdaddy
Just saw the inspiring #TETHERplay by @LostSockCompany - truly insightful (!) Good work @FollowTheCow, got a good'un! - @Brown_iZak
Engaging to watch and a refreshing storyline! - @boreilly1995
Really nicely written - @AndrewTwrites
Really enjoyed #Tether @LostSockCompany. Impressive performances, beautifully directed, with an interesting & warm story. See it! - @camillavalerie_
Beautiful storytelling and some serious physical stamina! - @PLAYThe4tre
Excellent. Go see ! - @PoleroidTheatre
Had a very good time watching #TETHERplay today! Go see it! - @Canderson241
Thrilled I caught #TETHERplay on last show of run *cymbal smash*. @IsleyLynn turns her talent to topic of blind running w nuance + humour - @carlalever
When Mark doesn't qualify for the London 2012 Olympic Games, he becomes a guide for blind marathon runner Becky. But it's not easy being someone else's eyes, or giving up your dreams for theirs...
A powerful story of ambition, trust, friendship and the fight to the finish line. This striking new play asks challenging questions: What do you do when your dreams don't come true? How long should you hold out hope? Can you truly be happy helping others to succeed? And what if giving in doesn't mean giving up?